On the 13th episode of The Biggest Loser: Couples, three contestants that had previously been voted off were allowed to come back for a chance to vie for a spot on the Biggest Loser Ranch. Out of the three contestants, which were David, Nicole, and Estella, only Nicole was allowed to remain on the ranch (because of the 87 pounds she had lost at home).
During every episode of The Biggest Loser: Couples, there is at least one scene in which the trainers and/or contestants discuss one of the products of one of the companies sponsoring the show. In most episodes (in fact, nearly all), it is Extra Sugar Free Gum that receives plenty of air time.

It isn't the prominent placement of these products that is so insulting to viewers (after all, society is inundated with subtle, or not so subtle, advertising daily). It is the fact that the producers make a point of airing a commercial within the show and expecting viewers to believe that it is really just Bob's and Julian's (the trainers) helpful hint of the day.
In this particular episode, there were no fewer than three of these commercials (not including the always-present Extra floating around the Ranch). Three scenes in the show were set aside expressly to promote Multigrain Cheerios, Ziploc snack-size containers, and 24 Hour Fitness's current no-membership-fee offer.
As if sending viewers into commercial overload weren't enough, the producers continued to blatantly edit the interviews to make viewers think that they had taken prior to the weigh-in when, in fact, they had been taped after the elimination.
As Nicole walked up the stairs to the scale, a voiceover was played that sounded like she said "I want to prove that I deserve to be here." However, it was easily noticeable that she had originally said "I wanted to prove that I deserve to be here." This sloppy editing is only insulting. The viewers know the truth. It doesn't need to be hidden.
Later still in the episode, before the elimination, a clip from Nicole's interview was played. There were clearly tear stains on her cheeks, which eliminated any doubt in the viewers' minds that she was the one that would be eliminated.
The full episode, in all its shameless glory, can be viewed at http://www.nbc.com/The_Biggest_Loser/video/categories/season-7/928221/.
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